The Best Specialty Instant Coffee Brands to Try in Portland

Are you a coffee lover looking for the best specialty instant coffee brands to try in Portland, Oregon? Look no further! Portland, known for its thriving coffee culture, is home to several specialty instant coffee Portland OR brands that are sure to satisfy your caffeine cravings.

Portland has a reputation for having some of the best coffee in the country, with a focus on small-batch, artisanal roasts. While many coffee shops in Portland specialize in pour-over or drip coffee, there are also several specialty instant coffee brands that are worth trying.

In this article, we'll introduce you to some of the best specialty instant coffee brands in Portland and provide you with all the information you need to find your new favorite brew.

What is Specialty Instant Coffee?

Specialty instant coffee is a type of instant coffee that is made using high-quality beans and a careful roasting process. Unlike traditional instant coffee, which is often made from lower-quality beans and processed with chemicals, specialty instant coffee is made using beans that are carefully selected and roasted to perfection.

Specialty instant coffee is becoming increasingly popular among coffee drinkers who want a convenient and high-quality coffee experience without sacrificing taste or quality.

The Best Specialty Instant Coffee Brands to Try in Portland, Oregon

If you're looking for the best specialty instant coffee brands in Portland, here are some of our top picks:

  1. Swift Cup Coffee 

Swift Cup Coffee specializes in specialty instant coffee and offers a range of high-quality roasts that are perfect for coffee lovers on the go. All of their coffee is made from 100% specialty-grade Arabica beans and is carefully roasted and freeze-dried to preserve flavor and aroma.

  1. Voila Coffee

Voila Coffee is a Portland-based company that specializes in instant coffee made from high-quality beans sourced from around the world or you can also read more about canned cold brew Oregon. Their instant coffee is made using a unique brewing process that produces a rich, full-bodied flavor that is perfect for coffee lovers.

  1. Alpine Start

Alpine Start offers a range of instant coffee options that are perfect for camping or on-the-go. Their coffee is made using high-quality beans and is available in a range of flavors, including original blend, dirty chai, and coconut creamer.

  1. Black Coffee Roasting Co.

Black Coffee Roasting Co. is a specialty coffee roaster based in Missoula, Montana, but their instant coffee is available at several locations in Portland. Their instant coffee is made using single-origin, organic coffee beans and is perfect for those looking for a bold, rich flavor.

  1. Stumptown Coffee Roasters

Stumptown Coffee Roasters is a Portland-based coffee roaster that offers a range of specialty instant coffee options. Their instant coffee is made using high-quality beans and is available in a range of flavors, including Hair Bender, Holler Mountain, and Guatemala.

Also, read more about Pairing Food with Light Roast Coffee: A Guide to Portland's Culinary Scene

Where to Buy Specialty Instant Coffee in Portland

If you're looking to try one of these specialty instant coffee brands in Portland, here are some of the best places to buy them:

  1. Stumptown Coffee Roasters - Stumptown Coffee Roasters has several locations throughout Portland and offers a range of specialty instant coffee options.

  1. World Foods - World Foods is a specialty grocery store in Portland that offers a range of instant coffee options, including several of the brands listed above.

  1. Market of Choice - Market of Choice is a grocery store chain in Oregon that offers a range of specialty instant coffee options, including several local brands.

  1. New Seasons Market - New Seasons Market is a grocery store chain in the Pacific Northwest that offers a range of specialty instant coffee options, including several of the brands listed above.

  1. Whole Foods Market - Whole Foods Market has several locations throughout Portland and offers a range of specialty.

Seven Virtues Coffee Roasters is a great option if you're looking for great gluten-free cafes. Whether you want to reduce your caffeine intake or simply enjoy a delicious cup of coffee at any time of day. You can contact us via call at +1-503-206-2321 or email us at

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