Freezing Coffee Beans – Why and How You Should Do It?
A very heating topic has been in a lot of trend from last few years is about the freezing coffee beans. The topic has been pretty controversial with a lot of buzz about it on social media as well. Freezing the coffee beans is a great idea. So it gets important to understand what the reason for this trend being so popular is. If it makes the coffee taste even better or does the process of making coffee easier what exactly is the theory behind it. Before moving to understand the reason it’s important to know that one can find some of the best coffee beans in Portland at severe virtues coffee roasters.
Why You Should Freeze Your Coffee Beans?
So once your coffee is nicely roasted, one can decide to freeze it mainly for two prominent reasons.
Freezing Keeps the Flavor Better
So the first and foremost reason for freezing your coffee beans can be found justifiable for the fact that the original taste of the food can be preserved if it is nicely kept in cold temperature. So if you wish to maintain the originality of the product one can preserve it in a deep freezer.
Most people don’t know that once the coffee is roasted it will quickly start to age and the taste of it would turn bitter in the next 15 days. So to avoid the situation the best bet is to either consume it or keep it in a freezer and it will maintain its original taste for a long time.
Freezing Increases Grinding Quality
Yes, it might sound strange but the fact is certainly true. When you are up to the task of grinding coffee one would generally get three results out of it. One is the fine particles of coffee and the other two are boulders and medium size. Boulders and medium size are never preferable as they are ought to bad in terms of brewing the coffee. So when you freeze the coffee it will give you fine particles during the grinding process which sits perfectly for brewing.
How You should Freeze Your Coffee Beans?
The simple trick for freezing the coffee beans is to use an airtight container that has no gap and keep the air out. It is also advisable to put the labels on each of the containers so you can recognize the coffee. Everyone has the idea of coffee beans to order online, likewise, the vacuum container can also be ordered online.
How Long Does It Stay Good in the Freezer?
They will just be fine for a very long period. If you are storing huge quantities, some studies suggest they will be fine for almost 2 years. So it is probably a long time for anyone to safely preserve the coffee.
We at seven virtues coffee roaster provide the best coffee beans in Portland and would love to serve you.
Also read for, Tips for Choosing the Best Coffee Beans
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